Newspaper Coverage of the Evans & Sontag Story

The Evening Express, Los Angeles, Monday, September 5, 1892, page 1:

(Transcription from Nita Van Cleave)




Evans and Sontag Seen and Talked To Near Visalia.

They Stay Several Hours at Supervisor Ellis' House and Then Leave With His Horse and Cart
  Associated Press Telegram to the Express.  
  Visalia, Cal., Sept. 5. - Evans and Sontag were found yesterday near the residence of Supervisor Ellis, twenty miles north of this city, by two of Ellis' children. The men were camped not a hundred yards from the house. The children returned and had their aunt go with them. When she saw Evans she said, "How are you Chris?"
Evans then turned to Sontag and said, "We had as well go to the house now," which they did. As they approached the house Ellis met them and said, "How do you do, Chris?" Evans after a minute replied, "I will shake hands with you Sam, though I ought not."
The two robbers stayed at the house from noon until dark when they took a cart and horse of Ellis' and started away. Mrs. Ellis has been very sick and a number of neighbors called to see her during the afternoon. After the robbers left, a man came to town and informed Sheriff Kay who immediately went to Goshen and asked for a special train that he might meet the south-bound train at Selma and prevent the men from taking the train. Not finding the men the sheriff returned to town at 3 o'clock this morning and took a team to Ellis' house. Striking the trail, he followed it seven miles toward the city where the trail was lost.
There are three roads leading east, west and south. The robbers took one of the two first named, but the travelers had obliterated the tracks. Evans told Ellis he had not been far away since the train robbery; that he was not leaving now. He had some business to attend to and then he would give his attention to the Southern Pacific. Ellis says Evans is very cool and collected, but Sontag is somewhat nervous.
Sontag has not fully recovered the use of his broken leg and is lame. They feasted heavily at Ellis', Sontag keeping his gun on his lap while Evans placed his against the door and near him. When they took Ellis' horse and cart Evans told the owner he would pay for them if he returned alive. There is no mistake as to the identity of the robbers, as Ellis and others at the house have known Evans for years.
Sheriff Kay is positive that Evans and Sontag took to the plains. There are many places on Kings River and Kaweah where they can safely hide during the day and then travel at night. Supervisor Ellis was one of the pursuers of Evans after Beaver was shot and Evans knew that as he said, "Ellis, you must not hunt me again." It is believed here the men will hold up another train before the week expires. They were armed with two shotguns, two revolvers and Winchester rifles. They carried a can containing ammunition or giant powder.

page 2:




They Are Supposed to Be in San Bernadino County

Two Squads Formed and in Hot Pursuit.
Suspect Disguised and Armed - He Limped Just Like Sontag
  Associated Press Telegram to the Express.  
  San Bernadino, Sept. 3 - Last night about 5:30 o'clock a man went to Mrs. Robinson's house, and demanded something to eat. He said he was no tramp, but had money to pay for what he got. He was disguised with a long red wig that fell down over his shoulders, and long false whiskers. He carried a Winchester rifle and a six-shooter in his belt. After getting something to eat he joined another man, who was in the brush near the house, also heavily armed. As the fisrt man walked away, he limped just as Sontag, the Collis train robber, is said to limp. Mrs. Robinson went to Colton about 9 o'clock and informed officers of what she had seen, who at once telephoned to the Sheriff's office in San Bernadino. Deputy Sheriff Holcomb, in the absence of Sheriff Seymour, at once formed a posse of four men, who joined the officers in Colton, by 10:30 o'clock. There two squads were formed, of three men each, one going by the way of Box Springs, the other by the way of Reche Canyon, searching all trains for tracks of two men. The two squads met at Moreno early this morning, and having found nothing, started out on a return to this city. On their way back they struck the fresh trail of two men leading into the foothills through the brush. The officers followed the trail several hours without result, and finally gave it up, as the robbers had twelve hours start. New posses are now being formed in Colton by Detective Will Smith in conjunction with the Sheriff's office to head off the men and it is believed here that there is a good prospect of their capture.  


(And from Brief Locals Column, same newspaper page 8)

  Jailer Russell returned yesterday afternoon from the San Jacinto mountains, where he and Detective Will Smith investigated the movements of the mysterious men supposed to be the Collis train robbers, who caused so much excitement at San Bernadino and vicinity Saturday. The whole thing was a fake. The two suspects were Mexicans.  

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